Friday, January 28, 2011

We women are the fucking best!

Ok, this is the first posting of my brand new style of ranting.  Basically, if it makes you say, "Fuck off", "What the fuck?" "Are you fucking kidding me?" "Fucking rocks", "Get fucked", "Fuck me". And a good old fashioned "Fuck you, you cunt guzzling, shit eating, dog licking, ball chewing, douche needing, ass sucking ball of belly button lint"...then you'll probably see it floating around here.  So, let's dive in.

What the fuck happened to women getting to be women?  I don't mean those stupid stick figures that don't eat anything but the parsley decorating a plate, but the real women who don't rest until they get a man on his knees begging for a break after she rode him harder than a Kentucky Derby champ?  I'm so fucking sick of people acting like only men get to fuck.  Ladies have sex, women fuck.  Plain and simple.  I don't need that romance shit.  Save the flowers for the next time you mess up and piss me off.  When it comes to the bed, all I truly need is room to work and lube in case things go on for a bit longer than either of us expect!  But honestly, stop looking for that lovey dovey shit and face facts.  Men did not invent fucking.

Think about it.  The first person to get fucked was Adam.  Eve fucked him so good that he gave up life in paradise to keep getting that good loving.  And even when God told him to get out, it didn't stop him from tapping that!  How the hell do you think we all got here?  And let's not forget, for every pecker that's standing at attention and begging for the sweet release that only a hot, wet kitty can give it, no man can truly fuck unless he has something that can make him scream out at the top of his lungs.  Women are the true fuckers in life. 

We're so good at what we do that we can bring men to their knees even when they aren't involved in the matter at hand.  Get a good girl on girl action and any red blooded, hetero male will salute proudly.  Why?  Because they are watching us do what we do best!  You won't see that type of reaction if the guys leave us out of the show, now will you?

So, the next time you men feel like strutting your stuff and proclaiming that you know how to throw down in bed, shut up.  And realize that without us, you'd still be yanking it in the dark.  We own the fucking earth and we make you the lovers that you are.  We apologize for the fuckers that we couldn't teach proper technique to.  Sometimes we, the fucking rulers, just fuck up!

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